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University of Buckingham Press to publish International Journal of Maritime Engineering


University of Buckingham Press (UBP) has reached an agreement with the Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA) to publish its existing publication, the International Journal of Maritime Engineering (IJME). The first Issue under the joint-venture agreement will be published around April 2021 with quarterly Issues published thereafter. Under the agreement, IJME will be published in both print and digital formats with the latter hosted online on UBP’s journal platform and via its journal distribution and marketing partners. Submissions, editorial process and subscriptions will still be managed by RINA, with UBP’s support, with UBP providing production, distribution, sales and marketing for all Issues. The journal will undergo an initial design review along with registration at all major content repositories to ensure global indexing and availability of content. Subscriptions types will also be reviewed and expanded along with the availability of specific research content on an Open Access basis. Future subject-focussed special issues are also expected to be published. Tom Chalmers, Managing Director of UBP’s parent company Legend Times, commented: “As we continue our strategy to rapidly expand our range of journals and their global reach, it feels very timely to reach this agreement with RINA, who have their own exciting plans for the expansion of their content. We are delighted to begin working with them as a partner and look forward to developing and growing IJME over the months and years ahead.”

Chris Boyd, CEO of RINA, commented: “’We are pleased to announce this partnership with the University Buckingham Press, who share our vision in reaching out to a global audience. The Royal Institution of Naval Architects has published over 5,000 peer review technical papers in our transactions, and the International Journal of Maritime Engineering is

the mainstay within our flagship; providing a forum for the discussion of technical and scientific issues regarding design, construction, research and development across all sectors of the maritime industry. We are looking forward to working with the University Buckingham Press.”


Legend Times is a group of publishing companies offering new platforms for quality writing. The group includes Legend Press (fiction), Hero (non-fiction), University of Buckingham Press (academic) and New Generation Publishing (self-publishing).

University of Buckingham Press (UBP) was established in 1985 and is an independent academic publisher that works closely with the University of Buckingham, the UK’s first private university. In 2019, it was acquired by Legend Times.

UBP publishes a range of trade and academic books covering subjects including education, humanities, art, law, medicine, artificial intelligence, cyber security and the environment. It also has a range of academic journals, published under both subscription and Open Access models.

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