This month we are highlighting The International Journal of Person Centered Medicine, in particular, Volume 9, Issue 3, which has just been published on our platform - click here to view
The theme of this issue is work-life balance, and it brings together an international selection of contributors:
Helen L. Millar investigates burnout in the NHS.
Kevin M. Cloninger, Alexandre Granjard, Nigel Lester, Erik Lindskär, Patricia Rosenberg, C. Robert Cloninger and Danilo Garcia report on a pilot study on refugees in Sweden.
Yoshifumi Nakashima, Toru Yoshikawa, Michiko Kido, Yoshiharu Aizawa and Kichiro Matsumoto discuss work reforms in Japan.
Jon Snaedal identifies challenges and solutions to work-life balance issues in Nordic countries.
Ulrich Weigeldt describes the situation regarding work-life balance for GPs in Germany.
This is a highly informative, engaging and enlightening issue which we hope will be of interest.
