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Latest Issue Launched of IJPCM on Work-Life Balance and Well-Being

We are delighted to be launching the latest Issue of the International Journal of Person Centered Medicine (IJPCM) and as we continue with our plans to expand and further develop the Journal, we wanted to ensure you have full access to all the latest articles, event reports and information.

The topic of work-life balance and general well-being has never been in as acute focus as in the last 18 months during the Covid-19 health pandemic. The latest Issue of IJPCM, with articles from international experts on this essential topic, can be viewed and accessed by clicking here.

IJCPM Vol. 9 No. 3 Issue Contents


Werdie van Staden, James Appleyard


A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED PILOT STUDY USING MIND–BODY INTERVENTIONS AMONG REFUGEES IN SWEDEN Kevin M. Cloninger, Alexandre Granjard, Nigel Lester, Erik Lindskär, Patricia Rosenberg, C. Robert Cloninger, Danilo Garcia

WORK TIME AND WORK STYLE REFORM AMONG PHYSICIANS IN JAPAN Yoshifumi Nakashima, Toru Yoshikawa, Michiko Kido, Yoshiharu Aizawa, Kichiro Matsumoto

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