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Journal Submissions​

At University of Buckingham Press (UBP), there are two key strands to our overall mission as a book publisher:

  1. To provide a platform for important and commercially successful books. This is turn allows us to reach as many book customers as possible, provide the author with a regular royalty income to support their writing and for us to reinvest into expanding our platform to more books, authors and customers.

  2. To publish important books that are not commercially driven but provide vital knowledge, understanding and discourse in their subject area and as such should be available to as wide an audience as possible.

In order to achieve both of these aims, UBP has two business models depending on the requirements of each author:

Type                              Available Free Online               Author Royalty           Author Fee to Publish

Commercial Book                        No                                    Yes                                No

Open Access Book                      Yes                                    No                                Yes

​To submit a book for publication under either model, please see the guidelines here.


If you book is accepted under the Commercial Book model, we will send a proposal including our standard royalty terms.


If you would like you work to be published under the Open Access model, please state this in your covering letter along with the reason that you feel it should be published under this model. UBP will then review and if it meets the criteria, as per above, UBP will provide a quote to cover the publication costs.

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