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Diverse Educators: A Manifesto - launching soon from UBP


The next year promises to be a significant one for the University of Buckingham Press (UBP) and we have a host of exciting journals and books being released throughout the course of the year. We will be starting off this with a new books that looks set to be a real game-changer for the world of education - Diverse Educators: A Manifesto compiled and edited by Bennie Kara and Hannah Wilson.

Structured around the Equality Act and written collaboratively, Diverse Educators: A Manifesto aims to capture the collective voice of the teaching community and to showcase the diverse lived experiences of educators.

The book is divided into ten chapters, one for each of the nine Protected Characteristics (Age; Disability; Gender Reassignment; Pregnancy and Maternity; Marriage and Civil Partnership; Race; Religion and Belief; Sex; Sexual Orientation) with a tenth chapter exploring intersectionality.

Framed in theory and interweaving personal and professional narrative from over 100 contributors, this ground-breaking text responds to current and historic debates, while remaining accessible and solutions-focused, with high-quality input on practice, pedagogy, people management and policy.

Each chapter shares provocations for the reader and for the school system on the changes we would collectively like to manifest in education.

This title is due for release in January 2022 but is available to pre-order here

About the Editors

Bennie Kara is a deputy headteacher in the East Midlands, specialising in curriculum, teaching and learning. She started her career in the inaugural cohort of Teach First in 2003, teaching English in East London. Since then, she has taught in four London boroughs and in South Oxfordshire, before returning to Derby.

Bennie speaks, writes and trains on diversity in the curriculum. She is the author of A Little Guide for Teachers: Diversity in Schools. She has written on the subject of diversity for publications such as Schools Week and the Chartered College of Teaching's Education Exchange.

Hannah Wilson is a leadership development coach and trainer. She is the Co-Founder of #WomenEd and the Co-founder of #DiverseEd. Her former roles in education include: Head of Secondary Teacher Training; Founding Executive Headteacher; Strategic Lead for a Teaching School Alliance; Professional Learning Lead for a large MAT and DfE Diversity grant holder.

Hannah is award-winning an children's non-fiction author and has edited children's books for more than 20 years. She is also the author of 10% Braver.

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